Maria-Magdalena Bărăscu is a journalist and a PhD candidate in Communication and Interculturality at the University of Valencia. She received a BA in journalism from the University of Bucharest and then studied Media Management at the University of Westminster, on a Chevening scholarship. She continued with a program in Innovation in Media Management at Berlin University for Professional Studies as she won a scholarship from the City of Vienna.
Her work has been recognised by the United Nations, as Journalist of the Year 2005.
Magda was fortunate enough to have been a trainer for the European Commission and OSCE and a participant in several workshops, among which the Colorblind but Colorful Workshop, Transitions Online Multimedia Journalism Workshop, and 2014 Urban Life and Mobility EIT ICT Labs Summer school EURECOM France.
Colorful But Colorblind project won the 2010 Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism in the Digital Media Presentation (Independent) category.